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 What can I do to prepare my skin before a session?


  • HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE!!! Hydration will help the entire process. This is something I can not tell my clients enough! The better hydrated your skin is, the more efficient and effective the session. Hydration helps your skin heal more quickly. Dehydrated and dry follicles are extremely difficult to epilate. You need to make a lifestyle change and start hydrating everyday of every week. Hydrating the day before your appointment will often times not be sufficient enough to have a quality session.

    •  If a hydration test is preformed at the beginning of your session and you are less than 70% hydrated, your session will end. You will be rescheduled, and you will still be charged the full amount of the session!


  • Avoid stimulants before your session, such as caffeine, chocolate, sugar and alcohol! You can indulge in whatever you want, AFTER your session is over. Alcohol will dehydrate you and we won’t be able to get the hairs to release. Caffeine is a stimulant and can make you more sensitive to the electrolysis pulse! However, If you are a daily coffee drinker, please have 1 cup several hours before your session. If you have a caffeine headache, from not drinking coffee, your session will be just as painful and defeat the purpose of skipping coffee.


  • Female clients may find that they are more sensitive during or right before their menstrual cycle and may want to avoid making appointments during that time.


  • DO NOT tweeze, thread, or wax the area you want electrolysis preformed on. These methods of temporary hair removal will undo the work that has been done and may stimulate more hair growth. In order to epilate the hair with electrolysis, the hair must be visible above the surface of the skin. You can still shave or clip the hair up to 72 hours before your appointment, unless otherwise instructed by the electrologist.


  • For facial hair, REMOVE ANY make-up, before the session. If the electrologist has to remove it, it is part of your scheduled time and you will be charged for it!


  • Avoid Creams or lotions on the area, on the day of the appointment!


  • Avoid wearing deodorant prior to an underarm session!


  • Over the counter pain reliever may be taken 30 minutes prior to your session.


  • Sun Exposure - Avoid sun exposure 48 hours Before and After your session. Excessive sun will dilate blood vessels, resulting in micro scabbing, and possible permanent skin damage. Your skin defends against UV rays by producing pigment, the results can include but not limited to hyperpigmentation (red, brown, or black spots), hypopigmentation (white spots), and delayed healing.


  • Topical Creams - For the most effective session, we must work as high as possible to your pain threshold. The fear of pain should not keep you away from electrolysis, it can be very comfortable. We have had many clients fall asleep during their sessions. There are topical creams that are available, with and without a prescription. EMLA (by prescription) and LMX (non-prescription) are the most popular. EMLA should be applied about an hour before session. You should apply generously and occlude. (Cover with a square of plastic wrap) 


  • Please arrive a few minutes early to allow yourself ample time to use the restroom, and relax before your scheduled session time.


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